Why is My Hair Falling Out? Finding Solutions in New Bedford

Why is my hair falling out?If you have noticed a little more hair in the shower drain or hair brush and are concerned about thinning hair, the good news is that there are some amazing solutions available in New Bedford to regrow hair in women. Unlike male pattern baldness, more than 90 percent of hair loss experienced by women is temporary, which means that you can regrow your hair in most situations. In addition to treatments that will help your hair to come back, you can also increase the thickness or length of your hair while waiting for treatments to work, either with hair extensions or Virtuesse hair replacement, both of which are non-surgical and painless.

What Causes Hair Loss in Women?
You may have asked yourself out loud, “Why is my hair falling out?” The truth is that there are dozens of reasons why your hair might be falling out and it could be any one of them or a combination of multiple reasons that have caused this to happen. It is important to identify the cause, as the treatment that is available in New Bedford to regrow hair for women is based upon the underlying cause of hair loss. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment when it comes to hair loss.

Some of the reasons why women experience hair loss include:

  • lack of vitamins or an abundance of vitamins
  • pregnancy and other health conditions
  • disease and illnesses
  • physical, mental or emotional stress
  • hereditary conditions (androgenic alopecia)
  • hormone fluctuations
  • lack of protein
  • hypothyroidism
  • autoimmune diseases
  • dramatic weight loss
  • chemotherapy and other medical treatments
  • prescription or over-the-counter medications
  • over-styling of hair (brushing, products, heat, etc.)
  • a condition known as trichotillomania (hair pulling)

How Virtuesse Hair Replacement Can Help
No matter what the cause for your hair loss or the other treatments that you are using, you can have instant results for thinning hair or balding when you use Virtuesse hair replacement. This product helps women to look and feel beautiful with natural-looking, non-surgical hair replacement solutions. Unlike hair extensions, which can take hours to install properly, Virtuesse hair replacement is quick, easy and more reasonably priced than you might think. In fact, Virtuesse is used in the fashion and movie industries regularly to provide great-looking results in a short amount of time.

Whether you suffer from thinning hair due to stress or chemical damage, alopecia or hair loss due to medical treatments, Virtuesse can help you to look and feel beautiful again. South Coast Hair Options offers new clients a totally free hair and scalp evaluation, which is worth as much as $250. We are certified to provide you with a true assessment of your Annual Rate of Hair Loss (ARHL), which can help you make an informed decision on the course you want to take based upon real evidence. Make sure to ask about our unbelievable $390 trial offer and find out for yourself why so many women trust Virtuesse hair replacement, either as a stand-alone treatment option or in conjunction with other methods used in New Bedford to regrow hair in women.

What South Coast Hair Options Can Do
Stop asking “Why is my hair falling out?” and come to South Coast Hair Options to get answers and solutions that will help you get your life back on track. Our team of highly trained and experienced hair loss technicians can help you find the best solution for your unique situation. We can tell you whether treatment options, such as low level laser hair therapy, Corrective Hair Solutions, hair extensions or the dynamic Virtuesse hair replacement are best for you, based on your needs, lifestyle and budget. There are so many benefits associated with visiting South Coast Hair Options, so what are you waiting for?

Stop by our location to speak with one of our associates or give us a call at 508-995-7085. Learn more about our Corrective Hair Solutions program and how you can take control over hair loss once and for all. We provide comprehensive services to clients throughout the South Coast region, including Southeastern Massachusetts, Cape Cod, the Greater Boston area and Rhode Island. We even have clients who come to our location from all over the northeastern states due to our reputation for providing quality results at surprisingly affordable rates. Call today and let South Coast Hair Options provide you with custom solutions that can change your life.