Corrective Hair Solutions in Fall River for Women Over 40
While studies reveal that more than 30 million women in the United States are currently experiencing some degree of hair loss, the good news is that South Coast Hair Solutions uses science and art to solve ALL types of hair loss. Women of all ages can experience thinning hair or outright hair loss. Corrective Hair Solutions in Fall River are designed to work with your unique type and rate of hair loss to deliver pain-free, non-surgical, and affordable results. While we hear more about men and hair loss, the issues surrounding women and hair loss are just as common. Hair loss in women over 40 is seen frequently, causing many women to hide under wigs, scarves, and strategic hairstyles.
Depending on the cause of hair loss, which could be genetic, environmental, due to an illness, or as a result of medical treatments, the solutions provided will vary. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to women and hair loss. So whether our Fall River laser hair therapy or another type of corrective hair solutions (CHS) treatment option is best for your situation will depend on the results of your scalp evaluation. We start each new client relationship by providing a comprehensive assessment to identify the underlying cause of hair loss to match them with a treatment program that works – no more wasting time and money on products that yield no results. Our team of highly trained and experienced technicians can solve ALL hair problems at South Coast Hair Options.
Thinning Hair: Women and Hair Loss
Hair loss in women over 40 or any other age group is drastically different than what most men experience. Male pattern baldness (MPB) appears in a typical horseshoe pattern at the forehead and continues recessing over time. Men will also sometimes have a bald spot on top, but for the most part, that is the extent of their balding woes when hair loss first begins to appear. For women, hair loss works in a much different way. You will likely start noticing that your natural part seems to be wider and that thinning starts first at the crown. Some women have thinning all-over the scalp, while others experience loss in just a couple of patchy spots. There is no comparison between the MPB and female pattern baldness (FPB), which seems to have no particular shape or place where it begins.
The average person is born with 100,000 hair follicles on their head. These follicles are in a constant state of change, including growth, shedding, and regrowth. However, as we age, some of these follicles begin to shrink and close up, which is why hair loss happens for many people. It is common to lose 50-100 hairs a day through brushing, washing, and normal shedding in the lifecycle of the hair follicle in our prime. As we age, a consistent loss of 150 hairs a day or more can result in thinning hair as the lifecycle struggles to keep up with the increased loss. This is why we frequently say, if you suddenly notice more hair on your brush, in the drain, or on your pillow in the morning, you need to do something about it before it gets worse.
You Are Not Alone
If nothing else, this is what women need to know and understand. While it is socially and culturally acceptable for men to experience balding or even shave their heads, many people still have a hard time when they see a woman with a bald spot or a shaved head. Commercials are on TV 24 hours a day talking about hair loss treatments for men, and some of the top action movie stars are follicle-challenged themselves. The fact is that one out of every four women experiences some degree of hair loss and thinning hair at one stage in her life. If you suspect that is happening to you, there is something you can do about it. Contact our team at South Coast Hair Options and schedule a FREE consultation. We can look at your scalp, discuss your concerns, and determine what can be done to stop hair loss and regrow hair. Our solutions are pain-free, non-surgical, natural, and surprisingly affordable. Call today to schedule an appointment at 508-995-7085.