Boston Hair Loss Clinics: Virtuesse Hair Replacement for Women

boston hair loss clinics for womenRegardless of your age, losing hair is one of the scariest and saddest things that can happen to a woman. There is hope, though, because studies show that 90% of hair loss in women is only temporary. At South Coast Hair Options in the Greater Boston area, you can grow hair back if you get the right care. Women who live in Southeastern Massachusetts no longer have to be depressed about hair loss because there is a way to help you in New Bedford.

Instant choices, like Virtuesse hair replacement, can give you a full head of hair that looks natural while you’re getting treatment at one of our Boston hair loss clinics or while you wait for your hair to grow back after something bad has happened. Long-term options can also help stop hair loss from happening again and help you grow hair back with the right evaluation and care. Our team of highly trained and experienced experts can help you feel more like yourself again, no matter what you need or what’s going on.

Understanding Hair Loss in Women

A hair’s life cycle tells it how long it needs to grow, how long it stays on your body, and how long it will be before it falls out. About 80% of the hairs on your head are growing at any given time. During the growing process, things can change, and it can last anywhere from two to six years. Every person has a unique story. If your hair grows faster or slower than usual, it could be because of your genes, your health, or the food you eat.

This is the “dormant” or “inactive” part of your hair, where 20% of it has stopped growing. It takes about three months after this for the hair to finally fall out on its own. Even if you don’t brush your hair, it can fall out because of an injury, worry, or the surroundings. Some medicines and medical treatments for illnesses can also cause hair loss for a short time. You should know that hair loss can be caused by a lot of different things. It’s normal for some of it to happen at certain times in your life.

What is Normal Hair Loss?

It’s important to know what “normal” hair loss for women is before you get too worried, since worry can make hair loss worse. You can always go to the hair loss center in Boston if you notice that you are losing more hair than most women. The very first thing our experts will do is figure out why you are losing your hair. There isn’t just one answer. We make a custom plan for each customer in the Greater Boston area to help them get the best results and grow their hair back. Ask about our Virtuesse hair replacement options if you want to see results right away while you’re getting treatment.

According to the numbers, women lose between 50 and 100 hairs every day. These numbers may seem like a lot, but the average person has between 90,000 and 150,000 hairs on their head, so they’re not that bad. Most people who have short hair won’t notice that they lose 100 hairs every day, but women whose hair is longer will notice it more because it’s longer. That much longer hair “adds up” when you see it in the shower drain or on your hair brush. Ten to fifty percent of a woman’s hair on her head is lost when she lives in Southeastern Massachusetts. This is a lot of hair loss.

Visit Our Boston Hair Loss Clinics

If you are worried about hair loss and have thinning hair or bald spots on your head, call South Coast Hair Options to see if they can help you grow hair back in the Greater Boston area. Corrective Hair Solutions is one of our many choices. It is a multifaceted treatment program that helps hair loss based on the diagnosis. Another option is Virtuesse hair replacement, which instantly fixes thinned hair. Our techs are very skilled and have a lot of experience, so they can give each client a solution that fits their wants and their budget. Call us at 508-995-7085 to make an appointment with one of our experts or find out more about what South Coast Hair Options can do for you.