Advice for Female Pattern Baldness & Solutions in Fall River

Female Pattern BaldnessWhile most people are well-aware of male pattern baldness, as it is the most common type of hair loss seen in men, very few are aware that such a thing as female pattern baldness exists. When women begin to experience a thinning of the hair or outright hair loss, the pattern that is seen on their scalps is much different than the receding hair-line that we are used to seeing with men. In fact, many women aren’t even aware that there is a different type of hair loss that commonly affects women over the age of 40.

Also known as alopecia, this type of hair loss can be noticeable and devastating to the women who experience it. It is important to go to a clinic that knows how to treat hair loss in women, and provides options based on the type of hair loss, lifestyle and budget of the clients. From Fall River laser hair therapy to Virtuesse hair replacement, both of which can be used in conjunction with other treatment options, there are now many ways for specialized clinics to help their female clients who experience thinning hair and hair loss.

Is It Possible to Regrow Hair?
The answer to this question is both yes and no. The type of hair loss you are experiencing will determine if your clinic in South Coast can regrow hair in women. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and other Corrective Hair Solutions (CHS) are the best treatment options, but in cases where the hair will not grow back due to a medical condition or other factors, often Virtuesse hair replacement is the best way to have a full head of hair.

Unlike other replacement therapies, Virtuesse is pain-free and can either be done gradually or all in the same day. It has been a big help in women who are undergoing treatment, dealing with medical issues, or who are in need of quick and immediate results. Virtuesse hair replacement is highly rated, affordable, non-surgical, looks totally natural and is care-free. Women of all ages and walks of life have benefited from this amazing hair loss solution.

Who is Affected by Female Pattern Baldness?
­While hair loss can occur at any age, due to illness, nutrition, disease, prescription medications and environmental exposures, approximately one-third of all women experience some form of hair loss at some stage in their lives. Approximately two-thirds of all post-menopausal women will suffer from balding or hair thinning to some degree. While hair loss has become a natural, more accepted condition in men, it is still not widely recognized or accepted in women. As a result, many women who experience hair loss are affected emotionally and experience a decreased quality of life.

Unlike the typical receding hairline that eventually becomes a horseshoe or “M” shape in men, women will usually lose hair along the part line. Learning how to treat hair loss in women begins with diagnosing the cause of the loss. Once hair loss begins to radiate from the top of the head, causing thinner and thinner patches of hair throughout. It is important to catch hair loss as early as possible in order to make a difference with Fall River laser hair therapy and other methods in South Coast to regrow hair in women.

Some of the potential causes of hair loss in women can include:

  • medical conditions
  • prescription medications
  • supplements and vitamins
  • emotional stress
  • physical stress – including trauma
  • environmental exposure – pollution, weather conditions, etc.

Visit South Coast Hair Options
Men and women of all ages and walks of life come to our clinic in New Bedford for options and solutions on how to treat hair loss in women. Our technicians use a variety of methods for treatment, however every single client begins with a complete evaluation to determine the underlying cause of hair loss. Whether Fall River laser hair therapy, chemical treatments, Virtuesse hair replacement or other Corrective Hair Solutions are the right course of action for you, will depend on your lifestyle, your health, the cause of the hair loss and your budget. We can offer immediate results through Virtuesse or gradual improvements through other tried and proven methods. Call today at 508-995-7085 to learn more about South Coast Hair Options or to schedule an appointment for your FREE ($250 value) hair and scalp evaluation.